Wednesday, October 26, 2005

imprisoned by bad music

I got XM radio in April in order to listen to the baseball season. It has had an unexpected effect on me. There are several really good music channels on XM. There is the folk channel, XM Café, The Loft (an acoustic rock channel) and the Unsigned channel. Unfortunately it also has the pop channels which spew music that no human brain should be subjected to. I say that and yet I can’t keep from listening to it. I have no problem not listening to top 20 radio stations but for some reason when it comes to XM I am forced to listen to mindless pop. I try to go to other channels and within a song I am pulled back. It isn’t that I like the music because most of it I just can’t stand. I find myself just sitting there listening and thinking how awful the music and lyrics are.

In the past week I have heard the song Boyfriend by Ashley Simpson at least five times. I should not have even heard it once let alone actively listened to it five times. There are several reasons I shouldn’t ever listen to anything Ashley Simpson produces. Her show on MTV (of which I have seen 3 minutes) let the world know she is one of the most spoiled human beings to have ever walked the planet (just behind the girls on Laguna Beach). I don’t have anything against her lip synching on Saturday Night Live. Anyone who decides to cover something like that with a jig as embarrassing as hers was should get a second chance at life (a chance she subsequently blew). Really it isn’t the lip synching it is that the track she is lip synching to that sucks. Anyway, her newest hit is Boyfriend. The song contains the “I’m trying to sound angry to sell records” sound and the weird Halloween yell/scream that sounds like someone is being murdered while driving by at 75 miles per hour. The whole song is an affront to centuries of music and I can’t stop listening to it when it comes on.

Then there is music like Fallout Boy’s song Sugar We’re Going Down. First off, Fallout Boy Sucks. You have to admit though that the song is pretty catchy. Lyrically it has highs and lows. The high being “I’m just a notch on your bedpost but you’re just a line in a song.” The low point is “A loaded gun complex, cock it and pull it” which it palatable due to how fast it is sung. The first several times I listened to this song I was convinced that there had to be something good in that jumble of words, boy was I disappointed.

We are in the middle of a good music revolution and yet I am sitting listening to Ludacris singing about how he is pimping all over the world.


Tuesday, October 25, 2005


I can't really explain how blogging has made itself a part of my life over the past month. In the past the first thing I would do anytime I started a computer was check my email. Now it is a toss up between checking my email and checking my lists of blogs. The fing unknown blog is the first blog I read or even posted on in a regular basis. From there I kept getting blogs addresses from various friends all over.

So whether is a good way to check in and see what is going on in someone’s life or to see their innermost thoughts or to see their posting of the newest video making its way around the internet, I say… maybe blogs aren’t that bad.